OBS Studio

Setting up a Scene Collection in OBS Studio

Setting up a scene collection in OBS Studio can enhance a stream's visual appeal and functionality. This guide provides a step-by-step breakdown to ensure your scene collection is top-notch, from importing assets to packaging for customers.

Scene Collection Setup

  • OBS Studio Pre-Emptive Folder Setup:

    • Create a folder on your C: Drive (e.g., "Stream Packages").

    • Inside, create a subfolder for your package to maintain consistent file paths.

    • This helps customers find assets easily.

  • Creating Your Scene Collection in OBS Studio:

    • Open OBS Studio.

    • Click on "File" > "Settings" > "Video" and set the canvas resolution to 1920x1080.

    • Create a new scene collection by using the top bar.

    • Name it appropriately, matching your product name.

    • Your OBS Studio window should look something like this:

  • Scene Setup:

    • Create scenes for overlays, webcams, social media bars, screens (starting, ending, etc.), and an editing scene.

    • Right-click on the default scene on the left and select "rename" (or use F2 hotkey) to name it, e.g., "Main."

    • Create additional scenes for each screen type in your package.

    • Your scene list will look something like this:

Importing Assets

  • Direct Import: Simply drag and drop the desired assets from your computer folders directly into the respective scenes in OBS Studio.

  • Resolution Fitting: If your assets are 1920x1080, they should fit perfectly on the canvas. For other resolutions:

    • Right-click on the asset.

    • Navigate to "transform."

    • Select "fit to screen" or use the shortcut Ctrl + F.

  • Animated Assets: For assets with animations:

    • Double-click on the asset source or select the source properties button.

    • Tick the "loop" checkbox and click "OK."

Asset Arrangement

  • Canvas Spread: Ensure assets are spread well on the canvas, allowing space for webcams, overlays, and other elements.

  • Positioning: Drag assets to their desired positions or use arrow keys for minute adjustments.

  • Layering: Modify the order of assets in the sources panel, especially useful for layered effects, such as two-part greenscreen bars.

Adding Editable Text

  • Text Source: Click the "+" icon in the sources panel and choose "Text (GDI+)." Assign a unique name.

  • Customization: Adjust the font, size, and style by selecting "Select Font."

  • Use Cases: Ideal for adding dynamic elements like stream titles or social media tags.

Social Media Handles Setup

  • Scene Creation: Start by creating a new scene titled "Edit Social Media Here."

  • Text & Icons: Add text sources for the names of social platforms and import respective icons.

  • Organizing Icons: Consider grouping icons into folders for structured organization.

  • Scene Integration: You can integrate this scene into other scenes where you want to display social media details.

Exporting Scene Collection

  • Steps for Export:

    • Click on the scene collection tab.

    • Choose "Export."

    • Direct to a folder and save as a JSON file.

  • Canvas Resolution Note: OBS scales assets according to your canvas resolution. Ensure you mention the canvas resolution in any documentation or provide separate scene collections for varying resolutions.

Packaging for Customers

  • Zipping: Compress the files while preserving the folder structure.

  • Example of Folder Structure: The zip file might look like: Drag Visuals_by_Impulse Folder to C Drive.zip > C:\Visuals_by_Impulse\Stream Packages\Planetar Animated

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